학과 공지사항

[행사] [대학원 AI융합네트워크학과]The 3rd Next Generation Communication Tutorial 2024 개최 안내(7/31)

  • 소프트웨어융합대학교학팀
  • 김성민
  • 작성일 2024-07-25
  • 조회수 106

< The 3rd Next Generation Communication Tutorial 2024 >

▶️ When : 2024.07.31(Wed), 15:30~19:00

  ▪ Session 1 (15:30~17:00): Communication and Networks Basics: In a nutshell

  ▪ Coffee Break (17:00~17:30)

  ▪ Session 2 (17:30~18:30): Networking issues in Digital Twins

  ▪ Q&A Session (18:30~19:00)

▶️ Where : Online(Zoom)


                  (회의 ID: 828 3609 1726, 암호: 3647)

▶️ Speaker : Prof. Keun-Woo Lim(Telecom Paris, France)

* Title : Fundamentals of Wireless Communications and Networks and their application in Digital Twins

* Abstract :

In this seminar, we first go back to the most basic fundamentals of wireless communications and networks and its evolution, how it translates and reflects to the roles of each layer in the current stack layered architecture, in a way easily understandable to us in comparison to what we do in our daily lives. With the basics in mind, we will then look into how this all translates into the new phase of digital evolution. While we currently reside in the phase of IoT, the digital world is already preparing to welcome a new phase of evolution: Digital Twins. Digital Twin can be applied practically in every aspect of services and applications that require a virtual, emulated environment to accurately simulate and evaluate various results. This involves various commercial, industrial, and scientific use cases, and even replication of our everyday life through metaverses. Who knows, in the future, we can even expect a virtual world like the Matrix (not used for control, like the movie, but to be used for the benefit of our lives). Communications and networking is expected to play a vital role in the realization of Digital Twins. The second session will introduce the concept of Digital Twins and discuss various research issues based on communications and networking technologies for its support.

* Bio :

Keun-Woo Lim is currently an associate professor at Telecom Paris, Institut de Polytechnique de Paris, in France. Keun-Woo acquired his Ph.D in Ajou University, and was a participant in the BK21+ program as a postdoctoral researcher in 2014, before joining LIP6, Sorbonne University in 2015. He is currently working on research and student exchange between South Korea and France, with specific research topics including applications of standardized networking solutions, indoor localization, and integration of digital technologies with communications and networking, in IoT and Digital Twins applications.